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A New Issue of JGM is Published

  • 1.  A New Issue of JGM is Published

    Posted 08-16-2024 11:35


    Volume 12, Issue 3
    Publication date: 20 August 2024 
    Guest editorial: Bridging disciplinary silos – cross-fertilization between global mobility and other fields 
    Mihaela Dimitrova, David S.A. Guttormsen, Margaret A. Shaffer 
    HTML | PDF (150KB) 
    "Willing to go the extra mile": an exploration of antecedents of assigned expatriates' work engagement 
    Marian van Bakel, Mette Strange Noesgaard, Snejina Michailova 
    HTML | PDF (549KB) 
    How language power, white subalternity and compressed modernity frame highly-skilled non-Western migrants in an East-German company: insights from multi-sited ethnography  
    Jasmin Mahadevan 
    HTML | PDF (228KB) 
    Sedentary settlers or nomadic opportunists? Diverging rationales in international entrepreneurial mobility 
    Michelle Mielly, Phil Watson Eyre, Felix Hubner 
    HTML | PDF (474KB) 
    Global talent management – talents, mobility and global experiences – a systematic literature review 
    Bianca Sousa, João J.M. Ferreira, Shital Jayantilal, Marina Dabic 
    HTML | PDF (3MB) 
    Sailing through the international assignment: exploring the role of perceived credibility in expatriate adjustment and socialization process in the host country 
    Ashneet Kaur, Sudhanshu Maheshwari, Arup Varma 
    HTML | PDF (525KB) 
    Why moving there? Spanish SIEs: factors and motivations involved in the choice of the host destination 
    Maria Rita Blanco, Mariela Golik 
    HTML | PDF (245KB) 
    Dashed hopes or delayed met expectations? Skilled migrant women's qualification-matched employment 
    Phyllis Tharenou 
    HTML | PDF (464KB) 

    Professor Jan Selmer, Ph.D.
    Founding Editor-in-Chief
    Journal of Global Mobility (JGM)
    Department of Management, Aarhus University
    E-mail: selmer@mgmt.au.dk
    Twitter: @JanSelmer_JGM