The JGM BitBlog: Why are you moving there? Spanish SIEs' host destinations-factors and motivations.
Maria Rita Blanco, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain
Mariela Golik, Universidad Nacional de San Martin, San Martin, Argentina
An increasing number of professionals self-initiate their expatriation (SIEs) to take advantage of attractive opportunities offered internationally, and they are solely responsible for setting their career goals and choosing their host country. Thus, SIEs will search for locations that can satisfy their needs. In this vein, we wondered about the motivations as well as the factors involved in the choice of the host destination of Spanish SIEs. Consequently, we collected interview data from 22 participants who had decided to work abroad for a specific period, having settled in diverse locations, such as England, Italy, Denmark, Chile, Cambodia, Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland and the United States, among others.
Our results revealed that most of them were able to explain their line of reasoning behind the host destination choice (specific destination) very clearly due to their appeal or affectionate motivations, or career development reasons. A second group considered a limited number of potential countries to relocate (alternative destinations), highlighting financial and career motivations. The smallest group did not choose a specific location.
One of the most mentioned factors influencing the choice of the host destination was their participation in the ERASMUS programme. This European Region Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students (ERASMUS) programme allows European students to study abroad for up to 12 months per cycle of higher education within countries fully part of it. As to motivations, career drivers were the most cited ones, highlighting the Spanish participants' intentions to strengthen their English language skills due to their perceived relevance for a successful global career as well as their global mindset.
In organizational terms, it is important to understand SIEs' motivations to align organizational talent management strategies to attract and manage them effectively. In turn, in individual terms, these findings may also contribute to the career management process of future European/ Spanish SIEs.
To read the full article, please see the Journal of Global Mobility publication:
Professor Jan Selmer, Ph.D.
Founding Editor-in-Chief
Journal of Global Mobility (JGM)
Department of Management, Aarhus University
E-mail: @JanSelmer_JGM