Silver Pin Program

The HR Division Member Silver Pin Program recognizes those individuals who have shown a strong and continued commitment to the HR Division through at least 25 years of Division membership. As scholars and practitioners who come together as a community in the interest of understanding, identifying, and improving the effectiveness of the practice of HR, we could not realize our mission without a committed membership. Long-standing members anchor us as a community and play a foundational role in our success as an AOM Division. Silver Pin Members are inducted annually at the Academy of Management conference in August during the HR Division Business Meeting Social.

Current Silver Pin Members:

Ramon Aldag

Michael Arthur

Cristina Banks

Kathryn Bartol

Yehuda Baruch

Talya Bauer

Brian Becker

Michael Beer

Thomas Begley

Brian Bellenger

Steven Berkshire

Ingmar Bjorkman

John Boudreau

Kenneth Brown

M. Diane Burton

Phyllis Campbell

Peter Cappelli

Carlos Cardoso

Robin Cheramie

Aaron Cohen

Christopher Collins

Debra Comer

Jose Cortina

Tom Cross

Thomas Cummings

Angelo DeNisi

Erik Eddy

Fred Foulkes

Ping Ping Fu

Cynthia Fukami

Barry Gerhart

Victor Haines

Itzhak Harpaz

Robert Joffman

Edwin Hollander

Remus Ilies

Susan Jackson

Timothy Judge

Sung-Choon Kang

Steven Kerr

Richard Klimoski

Ellen Kossek

David Krackhardt

Carol Kulik

Tom Lawson

Jeffrey LePine

Alec Levenson

Steven Lovett

Curtis Lyons

John Paul MacDuffie

Christopher Martin

Douglas McCabe

Jeffrey Miles

Brian Miller

Zeeva Millman

Richard Mowday

John Munene

Brian Murray

Lori Muse

Linda Neider

Greg Oldham

Miguel Olivas-Lujan

Deniz Ones

Francesco Paoletti

Jone Pearce

Dennis Reynolds

William Ross

Denise Rousseau

John Schaubroeck

Luc Sels

Jason Shaw

Lynn Shore

Nagaraj Sivasubramaniam

Frederick Slack

Jerel Slaughter

Kenneth Sloan

D. Brent Smith

Jeffrey Sonnenfeld

David Spurlock

Greg Stewart

Donna Stringer

Jianmin Sun

Riki Takeuchi

Stephen Teo

Rosalie Tung

Shay TzaFrir

Jin Uen

Arup Varma

Mary Ann Von Glinow

Charles Wankel