HR Division Sponsorship
Sponsorships support the operational expenses of the entire HR Division and all sponsorship funds go directly into investing in the HR Division’s year-round activities for its members. Sponsorship funds enable the HR Division to host key events and networking opportunities for its members, and to deliver informative programming, member services, awards recognizing scholarly achievements, and the mid-year planning meeting of Division leadership where the subsequent year’s conference activities are organized.
Sponsorship of the HR division can be at any level (Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze) and can be directed toward supporting the costs related to the division’s distinguished awards, hosting key events for its members, or general HR Division activities and initiatives. Sponsors gain visibility, recognition, and appreciation within the HR Division beginning at the annual Academy of Management meetings and throughout the sponsorship year (August 1 – July 31).
Event Sponsorship
Many division events are co-sponsored, but sole sponsorship of an event is possible (please contact the sponsorship chair for more information). In general, for sole sponsorship, a sponsor agrees to cover the full cost of the event plus an additional amount that helps fund the operating expenses of the division relating to organizing the event (estimates based on previous year’s costs will be provided). All sponsors are publicly thanked and recognized at the Division’s events and featured on the Division’s website throughout the year (August 1 – July 31). Sole sponsorship or co-sponsorship opportunities are available for the following events:
Division Events
HR Division Evening Reception (250+ attendees):
HR Division Awards Ceremony Breakfast (200+ attendees)
HR Division Ice Cream Social (250+ attendees)
HR Division Mid-year Meeting (25 Division leadership members)
Division Consortia
HR Division Doctoral Consortium – including meals (40 students and 30 presenters)
HR Division Junior Faculty (Early Career) Consortium – including meals (30 attendees and 20 presenters)
HR Division Middle-stage Doctoral Consortium – including meals (30 attendees and 20 presenters)
Division Professional Development Workshops (PDWs)
HR Division Innovative Teaching PDW Part I (75+ attendees)
HR Division Innovative Teaching PDW Part II (75+ attendees)
HR Division New Doctoral Student PDW (50+ attendees)
HR Division Research Roundtable Forum (75+ attendees)
*The division is open to sponsors of other PDWs offered by the Division in a given year, subject to our key events and awards being fully sponsored. Please contact the sponsorship chair for more information.
** For virtual conferences, events will be scheduled in virtual format whenever feasible. The Division will contact sponsors about alternative opportunities and events to utilize sponsorship funds if necessary.
** Estimated number of attendees based on past attendance is included in parentheses.
Award Sponsorship
For sponsorship of an award, the sponsor agrees to cover the full cost of the award and the cost of the plaque for the award winner(s). Award sponsors are publicly thanked and recognized at the Division’s events including the HR Division Award Ceremony where 200+ attendees are estimated to attend. All sponsors are also featured on the Division’s website throughout the year (August 1 – July 31). Sole sponsorship or co-sponsorship opportunities are available for the following awards:
Diamond Level ($4,500+)
Platinum Level ($3,500+)
Silver Level ($1,500+)
Innovative Teaching Award (co-sponsorship)