Previous Award Winners

Herbert Heneman Jr. Career Achievement Award

2023 Raymond A. Noe

2022 Talya N. Bauer

2021 Tammy D. Allen & Murray R. Barrick

2020 Timothy A. Judge

2019 David E. Guest

2018 John Boudreau

2017 Patrick Wright

2016 Angelo S. DeNisi

2015 Thomas Lee

2014 Ed Lawler

2013 Michael Beer

2012 Barry Gerhart

2011 John R. Hollenbeck

2010 Steve Carroll

2009 Benjamin Schneider

2008 Susan Jackson

2007 Paul Sackett

2006 Richard D. Arvey & Sara L. Rynes

2005 Jerry Greenberg

2004 Gary Latham

2003 Lee Dyer

2002 Daniel R. Ilgen

2001 Gerald Ferris

2000 Herbert Heneman III & Neal Schmitt

1999 Wayne Cascio & George Milkovich

1998 Richard J. Klimoski

1997 Thomas A. Kochan

1996 Ed Locke

1995 Frank Schmidt

1994 Donald P. Schwab

1993 Tom Mahoney

Thomas A. Mahoney Mentoring Award

2023 Sandy J. Wayne

2022 Terrence Mitchell & Thomas Lee

2021 Jaap Paauwe

2020 Thomas A. Kochan

2019 Timothy A. Judge

2018 Barry Gerhart

2017 Peter Bamberger

2016 K. Michele (Micki) Kacmar

2015 Denise Rousseau

2014 Robert C. Liden

2013 Paul Spector

2012 John Hollenbeck

2011 Frank Schmidt

2010 Gerald Ferris

2009 Neal Schmitt

2008 Gary Latham

2007 Eugene Stone-Romero

2006 Donald Schwab

Early Career Achievement Award

2023 Elad N. Sherf & Fadel K. Matta

2022 Kai Chi Yam

2021 Joel Koopman

2020 Allison S. Gabriel

2019 Brian W. Swider

2018 Kaifeng Jiang

2017 Dong Liu

2016 Ernest H. O’Boyle

2015 Anthony Nyberg

2014 In-Sue Oh

2013 Scott DeRue

2012 Christopher M. Berry

2011 Mo Wang

2010 Remus Ilies

2009 Hui Liao

2008 Bradford Bell

Dave Ulrich Impact Award

2023 Benjamin Schneider

2022 Gary P. Latham

2021 Edward E. Lawler III

2020 Jian-Min (James) Sun & Wayne F. Cascio

Distinguished Human Resource Executive Award

2023 Tim Hourigan

2022 Michael D'Ambrose

2021 Ellyn Shook, Lisa Buckingham, Christy Pambianchi, & Pat Wadors

2020 Johnny C. Taylor

2019 Skipp Spriggs

2018 Lucian Alziari

2017 Marcia Avedon

2016 Darrell Ford

2015 L. Kevin Cox

2014 Mirian Graddick-Weir

2013 Mike Davis

2012 Theresa Welbourne

2011 Paul McKinnon

2010 Ken Carrig

2009 J. Randall MacDonald

2008 Anthony Rucci

2007 David Pace

2006 Stephen Cerrone

2005 John Hofmeister

2004 J. Randall MacDonald

Scholarly Achievement Award


Sackett, P. R., Zhang, C., Berry, C. M., & Lievens, F. (2022). Revisiting meta-analytic estimates of validity in personnel selection: Addressing systematic overcorrection for restriction of range. Journal of Applied Psychology, 107(11), 2040-2068.

McFarland, L. A., & Kim, Y. (2021). An examination of the relationship between applicant race and accrued recruitment source information: Implications for applicant withdrawal and test performance. Personnel Psychology, 74, 831-861.

Grandey, A. A., Gabriel, A., & King, E. B. (2020). Tackling taboo topics: A review of the three Ms in working women's lives. Journal of Management, 46(1), 7-35.

Leslie, L. M., King, E. B., & Clair, J. A. (2019). Work-life ideologies: The contextual basis and consequences of beliefs about work and life. Academy of Management Review, 44, 72-98.

Keller, J. R. (2018). Posting and slotting: How hiring processes shape the quality of hire and compensation in internal labor markets. Administrative Science Quarterly, 63, 848-878.

Leslie, L., Manchester, C., Dahm, P. (2017). Why and when does the gender gap reverse? Diversity goals and the pay premium for high potential women. Academy of Management Journal, 60, 402-432.

Nyberg, A., Pieper, J. R., & Trevor, C. (2016). Pay-for-performance’s effect on future employee performance: Integrating psychological and economic principles toward a contingency perspective. Journal of Management, 42, 1753-1783.

Oh, I.-S., Kim, S., & Van Iddekinge, C. H. (2015). Taking it to another level: Do personality-based human capital resources matter to firm performance? Journal of Applied Psychology, 100, 935-947.

Kim, Y. & Ployhart, R. E. (2014). The effects of staffing and training on firm productivity and profit growth before, during, and after the Great Recession. Journal of Applied Psychology, 99, 361-389.

Judge, T. A., Rodell, J. B., Klinger, R. L., Simon, L. S., & Crawford, E. R. (2013). Hierarchical representations of the five-factor model of personality in predicting job performance: Integrating three organizing frameworks with two theoretical perspectives. Journal of Applied Psychology, 98, 875-925.

Liu, D., Mitchell, T. R., Lee, T. W., Holtom, B. C., & Hinkin, T. R. (2012). When employees are out of step with coworkers: How job satisfaction trajectory and dispersion influence individual- and unit-level voluntary turnover. Academy of Management Journal, 55(6), 1360-1380.

Bidwell, M. (2011) Paying more to get less: The effects of external hiring versus internal mobility. Administrative Science Quarterly, 56(3), 369-407.

Wanberg, C., Zhu, J., & van Hooft, E.A.J. (2010) The job search grind: Perceived progress, self-reactions, and self-regulation of search effort. Academy of Management Journal, 53, 788-807.

Liao, H., Toyo, K., Lepak, D, & Hong, Y. (2009). Do they see eye to eye? Management and employee perspectives of high performance work systems and influence processes on service quality. Journal of Applied Psychology, 94, 371-391.

Trevor, C., & Nyberg, A. (2008). Keeping your headcount when all about you are losing theirs: Downsizing, voluntary turnover rates, and the moderating role of HR practices. Academy of Management Journal, 51, 259-276.

Wang, M. (2007). Profiling retirees in the retirement transition and adjustment process: Examining the longitudinal change patterns of retirees’ psychological well-being. Journal of Applied Psychology, 92, 455-474.

Harrison, D., Newman, D., & Roth, P. (2006). How important are job attitudes? Meta-analytic comparisons of integrative behavioral outcomes and time sequences. Academy of Management Journal, 49, 305-325.

Kristof-Brown, A., Zimmerman, R. & Johnson, E. (2005) Consequences of individuals’ fit at work: A meta-analysis. Personnel Psychology, 58, 281-342.

Bowen, D. E., & Ostroff, C. (2004). Understanding the HRM-firm performance linkages: The role of the strength of the HRM system. Academy of Management Review, 29, 203-221.

Schneider, B., Hanges, P. J., Smith, D. B., & Salvaggio, A. N. (2003). Which come first employee attitudes or organizational financial and market performance? Journal of Applied Psychology, 88, 836-851.

Batt, R. (2002). Managing customer services: Human resource practices, quit rates, and sales growth. Academy of Management Journal, 45, 587-597.

Judge, T. A., Thoresen, C. J., Bono, J. E., & Patton, G. K. (2001). The job satisfaction-job performance relationship: A qualitative and quantitative review. Psychological Bulletin, 127, 376-407.

Staw, B. M. & Epstein, L. D. (2000). What bandwagons bring: Effects of popular management techniques on corporate performance, reputation, and CEO pay. Administrative Science Quarterly, 45, 523-566.

Earley, P. C. & Mosakowski, E. (2000). Creating hybrid team cultures: An empirical test of transnational team functioning. Academy of Management Journal, 43, 26-49.

Welbourne, T. M., & Cyr, L. A. (1999). The human resource executive effect in initial public offering firms. Academy of Management Journal, 42, 616-629.

Schneider, B., Smith, D. B., Taylor, S. & Fleenor, J. (1998). Personality and organizations: A test of the homogeneity of personality hypothesis. Journal of Applied Psychology, 83, 462-470.

Tsui, A. S., Pearce, J. L. Porter, L. W. & Tripoli, A. M. (1997). Alternative approaches to the employee-organization relationship: Does investment in employees pay off? Academy of Management Journal, 40, 1089-1121.

Delery, J.E., & Doty, D.H. (1996). Modes of theorizing in strategic human resource management: Test of universalistic, contingency, and configurational performance predictions. Academy of Management Journal, 39, 802-835.

Huselid, M A. (1995). The impact of human resource management practices on turnover, productivity, and financial performance. Academy of Management Journal, 38, 635-672.

Earley, P. C. (1994). Self or group? Cultural effects of training on self-efficacy and performance. Administrative Science Quarterly, 39, 89-117.

Bretz, R. D., Boudreau, J. W. & Judge, T. A. (1994). Job search behavior of employed managers. Personnel Psychology, 47, 275-301.

Kraiger, K., Ford, J.K., & Salas, E. (1993). Integration of cognitive, behavioral, and affective theories of learning into new methods of training evaluation. Journal of Applied Psychology, 78, 311-328.

Hom, P., Caranikis-Walker, F., Prussia, G., & Griffeth, R. (1992). A meta-analytical structural equations analysis of a model of employee turnover. Journal of Applied Psychology, 77, 890-909.

Cutcher-Gershenfeld, J. (1991). The impact on economic performance of a transformation in workplace relations. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 44: 241-260.

Barrick, M. R., & Mount, M. K. (1991). The Big Five personality dimensions and job performance: A meta-analysis. Personnel Psychology, 44, 1-26.

Summer Special Issue (1990). Project A: The U.S. Army selection and classification project. Personnel Psychology, 43, 231-378. [The entire issue won the award]

Gerhart, B. & Milkovich, G.T. (1990). Organizational differences in managerial compensation and financial performance. Academy of Management Journal, 33, 663-691.

Arvey, R.D., Bouchard, T.J., Segal, N.L., & Abraham, L.A. (1989). Job satisfaction: Environmental and genetic components. Journal of Applied Psychology, 74, 187-192.

Wagner, J. A., Rubin, P. A., & Callahan, T. J. (1988). Incentive payment and nonmanagerial productivity: An interrupted time series analysis of magnitude and trend. Organizational Behavior & Human Decision Processes, 42, 47-74.

Pfeffer, J., & Davis-Blake, A. (1987). The effect of the proportion of women on salaries: The case of college administrators. Administrative Science Quarterly, 32, 1-24.

International HRM Scholarly Research Award


Peltokorpi, V. (2022). Headhunter-assisted recruiting practices in foreign subsidiaries and their (dys)functional effects: An institutional work perspective. Journal of World Business, 57(6), 101366.

Lee, E. S., & Szkudlarek, B. (2021). Refugee employment support: The HRM-CSR nexus and stakeholder co-dependency. Human Resource Management Journal, 31, 936-955.

Rochstuhl, T., Eisenberger, R., Shore, L. M., Kurtessis, J. N., Buffardi, L. C., & Mesdaghinia, S. (2020). Perceived organizational support (POS) across 54 nations: A cross-cultural meta-analysis of POS effects. Journal of International Business Studies, 51, 933-962.

Triana, M., Jaysinghe, M., Pieper, J. R., Delgado, D., & Li, M. (2019). Perceived workplace gender discrimination and employee consequences: A meta-analysis and complementary studies considering country context. Journal of Management, 45, 2419-2447.

Volpone, S. D., Marquardt, D. J., Casper, W. J., & Avery, D. R. (2018). Minimizing Cross-Cultural Maladaptation: How Minority Status Facilitates Change in International Acculturation. Journal of Applied Psychology, 103, 249-269.

Farndale, E., Brewster, C., Ligthart, P., & Poutsma, E. (2017). The effects of market economy type and foreign MNE subsidiaries on the convergence and divergence of HRM. Journal of International Business Studies.

Zhu, J., Wanberg, C., Harrison, D., & Dien, E. (2016). Ups and downs of the expatriate experience? Understanding work adjustment trajectories and career outcomes. Journal of Applied Psychology, 101, 549-568.

Jiang, Y., Colakoglu, S., Lepak, D. P., Blasi, J. R., & Kruse, D. L. (2015). Involvement work systems and operational effectiveness: Exploring the moderating effect of national power distance. Journal of International Business Studies, 46, 332-354.

Rabl, T., Jayasinghe, M., Gerhart, B., & Kühlmann, T. (2014). A meta-analysis of country differences in the high-performance work systems-business performance relationship: The roles of national culture and managerial discretion. Journal of Applied Psychology, 99, 1011-1041.

Fitzsimmons, S. “Multicultural Employees: A Framework for understanding how they contribute to organizations” Academy of Management Review, 38, 525-549

Reiche, B. S. (2012). Knowledge benefits of social capital upon repatriation: A longitudinal study of international assignees. Journal of Management Studies, 49(6), 1052-1077.

B. Sebastian Reiche, Maria L. Kraimer and Anne-Wil Harzing (2012). Why do international assignees stay? An organizational embeddedness perspective. Journal of International Business Studies, 42, 521-544.

Lazarova, M., Westman, M., Shaffer, M.A. (2010) Elucidating the positive side of the work-family interface on international assignments: A model of expatriate work and family performance. Academy of Management Review, 35(1), 93-117.

Morris, S.S., Wright, P.M., Trevor, J., Stiles, P., Stahl, G.K., Snell, S., Paauwe, J., & Farndale, E. (2009). Global challenges to replicating HR: The role of people, processes, and systems. Human Resource Management, 48(6), 973-995.

Taylor, P. J., Li, W., Shi, K., & Borman, W. C. (2008). The transportability of job information across countries. Personnel Psychology, 61, 69-111.

Gerhart, B., & Fang, M. (2005) National culture and human resource management: Assumptions and evidence. International Journal of HRM, 16, 971-986.

Employee Participation and Ownership Scholarly Research Award


Meyers, J. S. (2022). Participatory bureaucracy: Addressing gender inequality in worker cooperatives. Journal of Entrepreneurial and Organizational Diversity, 11(1), 23-54.

Emerging Scholar in Employee Participation and Ownership Award

2022 Yixuan Lee

2020 Saehee Kang

2019 Kyoung Yong Kim

2018 YeongJoon Yoon

2017 Joo Hun Han

2016 Anne-Laure Winkler

2015 Byron Y. Lee

2014 Dionne Pohler

2013 Felice B. Klein, Adam Seth Litwin, & Elizabeth McClean

Innovative Teaching Award

2023 Withheld

2022 Michael C. Sturman & Hanbo Shim 

2021 Lisa A. Burke-Smalley & Madeleine Stevens

2020 Brian Harney

2019 Samantha Conroy

2018 Jian Han

2017 Tim Gardner

2016 Patrick Downes, Erik Gonzalez-Mule, & Cody J. Reeves

2015 Talya Bauer & Lauren Simon

2014 Kenneth G. Brown

2013 Xiao Chen

2012 Chelsea R. Willness

2009 Boris Groysberg

2007 Piers Steel

2006 Michael Sturman

David P. Lepak Service Award

2023 Julie I. Hancock

2022 Suzanne C. de Janasz

2021 Philip L. Roth

2020 Lauren Simon & Joel Koopman

2019 Jenna R. Pieper

2018 David P. Lepak

2017 Karin Sanders

2016 Liza Castro Christiansen

2015 Sonali Varma

2014 Jian-Min Sun

2013 Michal Biron

2010 Janet H. Marler

2009 James Hayton

Best Convention Paper


Roth, P. L., Shan, G., Ferrise, E., Roth, R.,  Bobko, P., & Thatcher, J. B., “Doxing, political affiliation, and type of information: Effect on hiring related judgments.”

Cameron, L. D., & Meuris, J., "The peril of paycheck dispersion: When fluctuations in compensation jeopardize worker retention."

Boekhorst, J. A., Basir, N., & Malhotra, S., “Star light, but why not so bright? Investigating nonstars' attributions on star performance.”

Zhang, Z., He, W., & Xing, Z., A. D., "Horizontal pay dispersion and collective performance: The neglected role of between-group pay dispersion in shaping employee justice perceptions and organizational sorting.”

Klein, F. B., Hammond, R., Hill, A. D., & Stice-Lusvardi, R., "The road to inequity is paved with good intentions: Examining the gender pay gap in equity awards.”

Van Iddekinge, C., Arnold, J. D., Frieder, R. E., & Roth, P., "It’s job required, but is it job related? A meta-analysis of the validity of prior work experience."

Li, P., Chadwick, C., & Zhang, Z., “The consequences of not seeing eye to eye: Examining variability between managers’ and employees’ perceptions of HR practices.”

Wang, W., Newman, D., & Dipboye, R., “Social network contagion in the job satisfaction intention-turnover model.”

Wang, T. & Zatzick, C. D., “The effect of human capital renewal on organizational innovation over time.”

Della Torre, E., Sikora, D., Zatzick, C. D., & Solari, L., “Human capital and productivity: The impact of collective employee inflows and outflows.”

Demortier, A. P., Delobbe, N., & El-Akremi, A., “Human capital contribution to company performance: HR practices effects and human capital emergence.”

Piening, E. P., Baluch, A. M., & Salge, T. O., ” Linking employee’s HR system perceptions, HR outcomes and performance: A longitudinal study.”

Arthur, J., Herdman, A., & Yang, J., “How a climate for incivility affects business unit performance: Testing a linkage model.”

Spector, B. & Van-der-heyden, L., “The human resource dimension of business model change.”

Jones, D. A., Willness, C., & MacNeil, S., “Corporate social responsibility and recruitment: Person-organization fit and signaling mechanism.”

Keppes, S., “Strategic human resource management: A systems perspective”

Somaya, D., Williamson, I. O., & Lorinkova, N., “The effects of employee mobility between competitors and cooperators on firm performance.”

Cable, D. M., & Bloom, M., “Organizational risk, pay risk, and managers’ reactions.”

Roth, P. L., Bobko, P., & McFarland, L. A., “A meta-analysis of work sample test validity: Updating and integrating some classic literature.”

Zatzick, C., & Iverson, R., “High commitment management and workforce reduction: Competitive advantage of disadvantage."

Kacmar, M., Carlson, D., Bratton, V., & Andrews, M., “An integrated perspective of antecedents to ingratiatory behaviors.”

Shaw, J., Gupta, N. & Delery, J., “Voluntary turnover and organizational performance.”

Van Iddekinge, C. H., Raymark, P., & Eidson, C., “What do structured employment interviews measure? Examining the construct validity of a behavior description interview.”

Iverson R., & Deery, S., “Job performance and voluntary turnover: an examination of linearity, curvilinearity and moderators of time, unemployment rate and perceived ease of movement using event history analysis.”

Deery, S. J., & Iverson, R. D., “The impact of industrial relations climate, organizational commitment, and union loyalty on organizational performance.”

Bendapudi, V., & Ash, R., “The shamrock organization: Determinants and consequences of externalization.”

Ang, S., Slaughter, S., & Ng, K.Y ., “Determinants of compensation for information professionals: Modeling cross-level interactions.”

Huselid, M. A., & Becker, B. E., “The impact of high performance work systems, implementation effectiveness, and alignment with strategy on shareholder wealth.”

Douglas, E. F., & McDaniel, M. A., “The validity of non-cognitive measures of decay when applicants fake.”

Zenger, T. R., & Marshall, C. R., “Group-based pay plans: An empirical test of the relationship among size, incentive intensity, and performance.”

Best Student Convention Paper


Heintz, P., & Rabl, T., “Human resource professionals' coping with artificial intelligence-induced change to decision-making.

Heng, Y. T., “The grief-work interface: How employees navigate work after losing a loved one."

Piyanontalee, R., “Examining the relationships between bonus pay and voluntary turnover."

Shim, H., Fan, X., Sturman, M. C., & Brown, M. P., “More than just a market: How changes in pay policy affect organizations' operational and financial performance.”

Chung, H., “The importance of temporal dimension in workforce management: Turnover-hiring synchronization.”

Chung, H. S. & Kim, S., "Internal labor markets and organizational knowledge creation."

Meuris, J., & Leana, C., “The price of financial precarity: personal finance as a barrier to work performance."

Li, P., & Guthrie, J., “Collective turnover: The loss of human capital and stars”

Morkoulli, M., Sarkies, C. I., Lee, G., & Felps, W., “Mapping HRM: A structural analysis of the HRM field.”

Yam, K. C., Fehr, R., & Barnes, C., “Morning employees are better: Employees’ start tmes influence supervisor performance ratings.”

Call, M., L., Ployhart, R. E., Nyberg, A., & Weekley, J., “Collective turnover: Who leaves, when did they leave, and who did they leave behind?”

Courtright, S. H., "Fired up or burned out: How developmental challenge differentially impacts leader behavior.”

Kidwell, G., Grosser, T., & Dineen, B., “What matters when: A multi-stage examination of factors contributing to job search effort.”

Liu, D., Mitchell, T., & Lee, T., “Job satisfaction growth and voluntary turnover: A dynamic multilevel investigation.”

Wang, J., & Verma, A., “Explaining organizational responsiveness to work-life balance issues: The role of business strategy and high performance work system.”

Fang, R., “Organizational socialization process: A social capital perspective.”

Li, W., Wang, Y., Taylor, P. J., & Shi, K., “The influences of organizational culture and job involvement on job specification ratings: A multilevel analysis.”

Gajendran, R. S., & Harrison, D. A., “The good, the bad, and the unknown about telecommuting: A meta-analysis.”

Whiting, S., “A model of the consequences of training: Considering unintended outcomes.”

Ramesh, A., & Newman, D., “Cognitive, affective and social network influences in performance appraisal.”

Sin, H. P., Farr, J. L., Murphy, K., & Husknecht, J., “An investigation of black-white differences in self-selection and performance in repeated testing.”

Offstein, E., & Gnyawali, D., “It pays to behave: fFrm competitive behaviour as a determinant of CEO pay.”

Shilobod, T., & Raymark, P., “Individual differences in ability to fake on personality measures.”

Benson G., “You paid for the skills: Now keep them: Tuition re-imbursement and employee turnover.”

Dunford, B., Rouseau, J.W., & Boswell, W.R., “The dark side of stock options: Downside risk and employee separation.”

Tekleab A. & Taylor S., “Easing the pain: determinants and effects of psychological contract violations.”

Jacques, P., Sivasubramaniam, N., & Murray, W. D. “The effects of event appraisal and coping on outcomes of sexual harassment.”

Ployhart, R., “A multilevel perspective on personnel selection.”

DeMatteo, J. S., & Eby, L. T., “Who likes team rewards? An examination of individual difference variables related to satisfaction with team-based rewards.”

Chan, D., Schmitt, N., DeShon, R. P., Clause, C. S., & Delbridge, K., “Reactions to cognitive ability tests: The relationships between race, test performance, face validity, and test taking motivation.”

Cable, D. M., & Judge, T., “The role of person-organization fit in organizational selection decisions.”

Best Paper for HR-Entrepreneurship Research Award


Lu, Y., Wang, Y., Yang, M., & Zhang, M., "Be innovative or ethical? Sustainable HRM, trust in organization, and (un)desired employee behaviors."

Kim, K. Y., Messersmith, J., & Allen, D. G., "Built to last: A human capital resource perspective on diversity and new venture survival."

Brymer, R. A., &  Rocha, V., "Hiring in entrepreneurial firms: Pre-founding affiliations and the origins of organizational diversity."

Lu, Y., Han, Y., Wang, Y., & Tang, Y., “Understanding the impact of family-to-work conflict/enrichment on entrepreneurial firms’ performance: A conservation of resources perspective.”

Best Student Paper for HR-Entrepreneurship Research Award


Kim, J., "Building cooperative and successful organizations with HPWS: Role of firm age and industry dynamism."

Kim, J., "People aspects of entrepreneurship: A meta-analytic review and roadmap for future research."

Waddingham, J. A., Zachary, M. A., & Walker, H., J., "Screened out: Recruiter evaluations of job applicants with prior entrepreneurial experience."

Kim, J., “The intersection between HR and entrepreneurial performance: Review and roadmap for future research."

Ralph Alexander Dissertation Award


Hyesook Chung, "Variable Work Schedules, Unit-Level Turnover, and Performance Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic."

Qi Zhang, "Connect to Fit, Fit to Connect: The Coevolution of Perceived Person-Group Fit and Social Network."

Saehee Kang, "What do You Mean When You Pay for Performance? Conditional Effects of Pay-for-Performance on Job Satisfaction and Performance."

Christine L. Nittrouer, “Allies as Intermediaries: Strategies That Promote Hiring People with Intellectual Disabilities." 

Frederica De Stefano, “How Much is Work Worth to Firms? Essays on Value Creation and Value Capture from Human Capital."

Eda Aksoy, “Role of Owner's Long-Term Orientation in HRM Content and Process, Shop Climates, and Customer Loyalty in Franchised Small Businesses."

Youngsang (Ray) Kim, “The Effects of Star Performers on Collective Turnover, Unit Human Capital Resources, and Unit Performance Under a Firm Acquisition.”

Tashlin Lakhani, “Ownership Matters: The Relationship between Ownership Structure, Human Resource Practices, and Performance in a Franchise System.”

Arnd Vomberg, “Value-Based Marketing and Human Resource Management: Brands and Employees as Drivers of Firm Value.”

Adam Cobb, “The Development and Evolution of Privatized Retirement in the United States.”

Jenna R. Pieper, “Consider the Source: A Study of Referrer Characteristics in the Employee Referral Hiring Phenomenon.”



Anthony Nyberg, “Performance, Compensation and Turnover.”

Anuradha Ramesh, “Culture and Job Embeddedness: Understanding the Factors that Influence Employee Turnover.”

Jeff Ericksen, “High-performance Work Systems, Dynamic Workforce Alignment, and Firm Performance.”

Sean A. Way, “A Firm-Level Analysis of HR Flexibility.”

Jinyan Fan, “Testing the Efficacy and the Psychology of a Newcomer Orientation Program: A Longitudinal Field Experiment.”

Brian Dineen, “Customization of Fit Information in a Web-based Recruitment Context: Effects of Application Decisions and Applicant Pool Characteristics.”

Timothy Gardner, “In the Trenches at the Talent Wars: An Examination of Competitive Interaction for Human Resources in the Software Industry.”

Ian O. Williamson, “Interfirm Network Ties, Interorganizational Imitation, and Organizational Hiring Patterns.”


Robert Ployhart, “An Interactionist Approach to Assessing Personality In Work Contexts: Construct Validation of A Predictor of Customer Service Performance.”

Suzanne Masterson, “A Trickle Down Model of Organizational Justice: Relating Employee And Customer Perceptions of And Reactions to Organizational Fairness.”

Amy L. Kristof-Brown, “The Goldilocks Pursuit in Organizational Selection: How Recruiters Form and Use Judgments Of Person-Organization Fit.”

Daniel M. Cable, “The Role of Person-Organization Fit In Organizational Entry.”

Michael J. Stevens, “Staffing Work Teams: Testing For Individual-Level Knowledge, Skill, and Ability Requirements for Teamwork.”

Nagaraj Sivasubramaniam, “Matching Human Resource and Corporate Strategies (Human Resource Strategies).”

SHRM Foundation Dissertation Grant Award


Nathan Black, Mahira Ganster, Pascale H. Frické, Kristina Tirol-Carmody

Liza Y. Barnes, Vanessa Shum, Mary Eve P. Speach, Kartik Trivedi

Yiduo Shao, Yu Tse Heng

Hyesook Chung, Borbala (Bori) Csillag, Spenser Essman, Louis Hickman

Nitya Chawla, Yu Yu, Shoshana Schwartz, Xing Liu

Rebecca Paluch, Saehee Kang, DJ Steffenson, Dhuha Abdulsalam

Eric Michel, Daniel Shore

Frederick Scott Bentley, Charn McAllister, Jirs Meurs, Lingtau Yu

Federica De Stefano, Jae Eun Lee, Pingshu Li, Arieh Riskin

Patricia Dahm, Sung Doo Kim, Eric Lin, Margaret Luciano

Yongjun Choi, Samantha Conroy, Joo Han, Chenwei Liao

Serge Da Motta Viega , Kristen Jones, Anthony Klotz, Tashlin Lakhani

Stephen Courtright, Amy Crook, Eugene Kim, David Sikora

Barjinder Singh, Elena Belogolovsky, Grace Lemmon, Smriti Anand

Rebecca R. Kehoe, Jeremy A. Yip.

Saba Colakoglu, Jennifer Nahrgang, Prajya Vidyarthi, Yingchun (Irene) Wang

Davasheesh Bhave, Sharon Hill, Inbal Nahum-Shani, Tammy Rapp

Michal Biron, Brian Hoffman, Anu Ramesh, Michele Swift

M. Travis Maynard, Shad S. Morris, Dana R. Vashdi, Hao Zhao