Are you a doctoral student who is just finishing your second or third year? Are you a faculty member mentoring students who are about halfway through your program? If so, consider attending (or urging them to attend) the HR division middle-stage doctoral consortium. We are planning an exciting in-person session on Saturday August 10th, 2024 (8am-2:00pm) that covers a variety of topics relevant for middle-stage doctoral students. Breakfast and lunch will be provided.
Goals & Content
This workshop is aimed to help students navigate the collection of career issues that begin to emerge when students are about halfway through a doctoral program. Students are expected to begin the transition into independent scholars, start building professional networks, move beyond the structure of courses and exams, and develop skills as an instructor. The workshop topics are designed to help participants develop the knowledge and skills required to be successful at these activities to continue their development into strong researchers and teachers.
Through discussions led by leading HR academics, students will reflect on the process and lessons of research, teaching, and life in academia, including:
• Transitioning to teaching
• Developing a scholarly profile
• Career development and career choices
The workshop will also provide participants the opportunity to interact with other PhD students, network with both senior and junior faculty, and stimulate an exchange of ideas and suggestions among participants.
How to Register
There is no charge to attend, but pre-registration and conference registration are required. To pre-register, please email your name, school, year in the program, and your CV to Dr. Kang Yang Trevor Yu ( by Thursday, 30 May 2024. Participation will be limited to 45 attendees, so early registration is encouraged.
We hope to connect with many of you!
Middle-Stage Doctoral Consortium Co-Chairs:
Kang Yang Trevor Yu, Lian Huiwen, and Alondrea Hubbard
Kang Yang Trevor Yu
Nanyang Business School
Nanyang Technological University