Call for Nominations of Papers and Books:
2023 Responsible Research in Management Award
Sponsored by the Academy of Management Fellows
Submission Deadline: January 31, 2023
Attention all researchers: The AOM Fellows Group enthusiastically supports the 2023 Responsible Research in Management Award (RRMA) and invites nominations (or self-nominations) by January 31, 2023. Since its founding in 2018, this award has assembled a canon of "responsible research" – 13 books and 70 articles that are academically credible, societally useful, and have helped to make the world a better place.
Although there are incessant calls for research that is relevant to practice, RRMA is the only award for socially valuable research whose selection signals affirmation by practicing executives that the study's findings are actionable. Since 2021, winners of RRMA have been chosen by members of the Academy of Management Fellows Group to recognize and catalyze published research that yields credible results, guides practice, and benefits society.
Celebrate management research that moves the world.
Alan Meyer
Professor Emeritus
University of Oregon
Eugene OR