Group & Organization Management
2024 Conceptual Issue
Group & Organization Management is pleased to announce that Professors Melissa Carsten (Winthrop University), Walter Davis (University of Mississippi), Lucy Gilson (University of New Hampshire), Tammy Rapp (Ohio University) and Tom Zagenczyk (North Carolina State University) will serve as Editors for the 2024 GOM Conceptual Issue.
Articles for the Conceptual Issue are intended to be high-impact scholarly pieces based on extant developments in research literatures. This Conceptual Issue consists of papers that provide an integration of management literatures, offer a value-added research framework, and highlight directions for future inquiry. Papers are not expected to offer empirical data. Inter-disciplinary and/or multi-level insights on management and organizational processes are encouraged. For guidelines on preparing a conceptual paper see Gilson, L.L., & Goldberg, C.B. (2015). Editors' Comment: So, what is a conceptual paper? Group and Organization Management, 40(2), 127-130.
To be considered for the 2024 Conceptual Issue, authors must first submit a proposal. Proposals should be 1500-1800 words and provide sample references. References, figures, and tables do not count against the word count. All proposals will be subject to editorial review prior to requesting that they be developed into full papers. Full papers will be sent out for blind review.
Full papers will NOT be considered at the proposal stage. Proposal submissions will be evaluated on the following criteria:
- Relevance. Proposed manuscript should address a significant and important research area within the group and organizational management field.
- Viability. Proposal demonstrates that the paper will be completed within the timeline below.
- Scope of Interest. A proposal of broad interest to scholars in diverse research areas is preferred.
- Organization and Coherence. Proposal follows a logical structure, reads clearly, and thoroughly represents the field of knowledge.
- Conceptual Value Added. Proposal offers insights that go beyond a thorough summary of current literature.
- Agenda for Future Research. Proposal conveys relevant implications for future research.
Authors must adhere to a stringent timeline. Relevant dates are as follows:
- March 1, 2023: Proposal submission due date
- April 5, 2023: Final decision on proposal and initial feedback provided to authors
- June 5, 2023: First draft of paper due
- July 31, 2023: Feedback to authors on first draft
- October 6, 2023: Revised paper due
Proposals Submission Instructions
- Proposals should be submitted as a single file to:
- Proposal submission file can be either a word document or a PDF
- Proposal submission file must be named: first author last name. key word(s) (i.e., Gilson.Creativityinteams)
Tammy Rapp
Ohio University