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Come "Meet the Editors" next Wed on AMJ Radio Live (Apr 24)

  • 1.  Come "Meet the Editors" next Wed on AMJ Radio Live (Apr 24)

    Posted 04-18-2024 17:42

    Topic: Meet the Editor (Marc Gruber, 

    Juliane Reinecke)

    Time: April 24, 11 AM (Eastern Time)

    Location: Join the live discussion on X (Twitter) Spaces

    Calendar: Add event to your calendar 

    On this upcoming episode of AMJ Radio Live, Marc Gruber is joined by Juliane Reinecke who handles qualitative research papers on AMJ's editorial team. They will discuss Juliane's role as Associate Editor and her AMJ paper about the microfoundations of framing within social movements. Join the conversation next Wednesday to find out more. 

    Have a question about research and publishing? Submit your question in our ask box (anonymous option available). 

    About the guest speakers:

    Marc Gruber is full professor at the College of Management of Technology at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland and Editor-in-Chief of Academy of Management Journal (AMJ). Marc has published his research on innovation, strategy and entrepreneurship in several leading journals and is co-author of the book "Where to Play: 3 Steps for Discovering Your Most Valuable Market Opportunities", which introduces a practical business tool used by tens of thousands of startups and established firms.

    Juliane Reinecke is Professor of Management Studies at the Saïd Business School (University of Oxford). He is a current Associate Editor at the Academy of Management Journal. Her research draws on insights from organization theory, political philosophy and process studies to explore, broadly speaking, how transnational governance institutions emerge and evolve as a result of the interactions of multiple stakeholders to promote more just and sustainable forms of globalization in global supply chains, but also organizations in general.

    Clara Soo
    PhD Student | Organizational Behavior
    Michigan State University