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HR Division Student Representative Applications

  • 1.  HR Division Student Representative Applications

    Posted 05-31-2024 11:01
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    Apply to be a Student Representative for the HR Division
    [Due: June 17, 2024]

    There are about two weeks left to apply to be a student representative for the HR Division. Serving as an HR Division student representative provides a great opportunity to:

    • learn more about the activities of the HR Division,
    • get involved in the profession, and
    • network and socialize with HR Division colleagues from across the globe.

    The HR Division is accepting nominations for student representatives to serve on the HR Division Executive Committee. We will select 2 new students to begin in August 2024. 

    Faculty are encouraged to nominate interested PhD students from your programs. Students are also encouraged to self-nominate, but you will also need a letter of support from your professor.

    Deadline for nominations: Monday, June 17, 2024. 

    Instructions for applying: See attached document.

    Got Questions?  Please email Reed Eaglesham (rke28@cornell.edu) or Alondrea Hubbard (amh405@smlr.rutgers.edu)

    All the best,
    Your HR Student Reps – Reed Eaglesham, Alondrea Hubbard, Anastasiia Agolli, and Hannah Park

    Alondrea Hubbard
    Rutgers University
    Piscataway NJ
