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IHRM Webinar // Dan Caprar // The complexity of who we are: Using identity lens in International HRM studies (April 23)

  • 1.  IHRM Webinar // Dan Caprar // The complexity of who we are: Using identity lens in International HRM studies (April 23)

    Posted 04-20-2024 18:15

    *** apologies for cross-postings ***

    Dear colleagues,

    Please join us for another exciting IHRM Webinar with Dr. Dan Caprar  (University of Sydney Business School, Australia). Dan's webinar will discuss the utility of an identity-focused approach in tackling research questions within IHRM and will explore how this approach can broaden our theoretical explanations in this domain, with significant implications for practice.

    The webinar will take place online, on Apr 23 at 12:30pm (UTC)  

    (Please use this Time Zone Converter to find your local time. As an international partnership, the IHRM series welcomes speakers from all over the world and multiple time zones. This session will be recorded to share with registrants who are not able to attend the live session.)

    For all event details and to register, please visit: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/the-complexity-of-who-we-are-using-an-identity-lens-in-ihrm-studies-tickets-851764710177?aff=oddtdtcreator

    The event is free and open to anyone who is interested, but you must register to receive the zoom link to attend. This link will be emailed to you 24 hours before the event.

    We look forward to seeing you there!


    Mila Lazarova, PhD
    William Saywell Professor of International Business
    Beedie School of Business
    Simon Fraser University
    Vancouver, BC, Canada