Dear HR Division colleagues,
I am pleased to share the first issue of volume 2 (2024) from the Journal of Management Scientific Reports; all articles are open access for six months:
This issue includes an editorial on "best practices" for publishing replication studies; two replication studies --- one of an original study published in AMJ, and one of a study published in SMJ; and one study that tests theoretical assumptions of the calling construct.
We hope you enjoy reading this issue and find it helpful to thinking about a study to submit to JOMSR!
Designing, executing, and publishing replication research: Best practices for successfully taking replication ideas from conceptualization to publication.
William G. Obenauer
Firm actions and Media tenor after a data breach: A quasi replication and extension of Zavyalova et al.'s (2012) product harm study
Jiaju Yan, Xinran Wang, Timothy P. Munyon, T. Russell Crook, & Tan Kim
Another look at the managerial entrenchment hypothesis of acquisitions: A replication of Humphrey-Jenner (2014)
Donald D. Bergh, Ronan Powell, & Yang Zhao
Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life? Testing fundamental assumptions about calling, effort, and enjoyment
Jennifer Tosti-Kharas, Shoshana R. Dobrow, & Heather Barry Kappes
Maria Kraimer
Editor, Journal of Management Scientific Reports
Rutgers University
Piscataway NJ