Journal of Management Studies – A Publishing Workshop
Hosted by Durham University Business School, UK
Workshop dates: 28-29th March 2023
Registration deadline: 17th February 2023
The Journal of Management Studies and Durham University Business School invite you to attend their face-to-face Publishing Workshop to celebrate their 20 year partnership. The workshop will feature JMS editors and be led by JMS General Editor Daniel Muzio (University of York).
Day 1 (28 March 2023): This part of the workshop will focus on professional development with an emphasis on strategies for successful publishing. It will feature presentations by experienced editors, as well as focused discussions on key topics related to publishing such as:
- How to make a contribution
- How to negotiate the R&R process
- How to review papers and join editorial boards
- The secrets behind organizing an impactful Special Issue
- How to write a review paper
- Editor-Reviewer dynamics and how editors select and rate reviewers
This part of the workshop is limited to 100 participants. Places will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. There is no registration fee.
Day 2 (29 March 2023): This workshop will invite participants to present their papers and engage in a Q&A and feedback session. Participants will also be given the opportunity to sit with a JMS Editor to discuss their work and receive detailed feedback in a similar form to an R&R process.
Participation in this part of the workshop is also free, but the capacity is limited to 50 participants. Attendees will be selected on the basis of their application. Applicants must provide a synopsis in the additional section of the online registration form. The synopsis should be a maximum of 400 words (not including author names, affiliation, contact information, references, figures, or tables). The synopsis should include ~3 paragraphs that follow this structure:
- The Motivation: "The research question (or anomaly or dogma) that our paper is tackling is… (fill in the blanks). Addressing this research question (anomaly or dogma) is important because…" (fill in the blanks);
- The Findings: "Our study shows that…" (fill in the blanks with the core findings);
- The Contributions: "Our findings are important for theory and practice because…" (fill in the blanks).
As noted, participation is free of charge, though places are limited. Day 1 is open to any who wish to attend up to the stated capacity; Day 2 is by invitation only. To register for either or both days, please complete this form here: Online Registration Form. You will receive confirmation (or not) of your place on one or both days by 3rd March 2023.
The Karen Legge Bursary Scheme operated by the Society for the Advancement of Management Studies (SAMS) offers financial support for travel expenses to attend through the provision of a limited number of bursaries. Details of the bursary and the application form are available here; applications for a bursary close at midnight GMT, 17th February 2023.
For any enquiries, please contact Joanne Cheseldine at:
Joanne Cheseldine
Journal of Management Studies