Dear Colleagues,
I am pleased to announce that the May 2023 issue of the Journal of Organizational Behavior is now available. This issue includes 9 exciting new articles which are listed below.
Christian Resick
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Organizational Behavior
Associate Professor and Dean's Distinguished Fellow
LeBow College of Business
Drexel University
Journal of Organizational Behavior
Volume 44, Issue 4
Pages: 573-738
May 2023
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Issue Information
Research Articles
Open Access
Experimentation in the face of ambiguity: How mindful leaders develop emotional capabilities for change in teams
Jean-François Harvey, Ravi S. Kudesia
Pages: 573-589 | First Published: 01 February 2023
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Can a familiar gender stereotype create a not‐so‐familiar benefit for women? Evidence of gendered differences in ascribed stereotypes and effects of team member adaptivity on performance evaluations
Joseph A. Carpini, Aleksandra Luksyte, Sharon K. Parker, Catherine G. Collins
Pages: 590-605 | First Published: 11 March 2023
<v:shape id="Picture_x0020_3" o:spid="_x0000_i1026" type="#_x0000_t75" style="width: 9.6pt; height: 12pt; visibility: visible; mso-wrap-style: square;"> <v:imagedata src="file:///C:/Users/cjr63/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image003.png" o:title=""> </v:imagedata></v:shape>Open Access
Task interdependence and the gender wage gap: The role of the gender composition of an occupation
Jirs Meuris, Allison Elias
Pages: 606-620 | First Published: 27 October 2022
Bringing contribution–receipt (im)balance to team–member exchange research: A moderated mediation model
Xin Liu, Yucheng Zhang, Wansi Chen, Wen-Dong Li, Dan Ni
Pages: 621-642 | First Published: 30 December 2022
Linking servant leadership to follower emotional exhaustion through impression management
Ann C. Peng, Riguang Gao, Biying Wang
Pages: 643-659 | First Published: 16 December 2022
More is less? A dynamic perspective on mentors' task‐related information sharing, indegree centrality, and newcomer socialization outcomes
Wen Wu, Shaoxue Wu, Qiying Du, Xiaoyan Zhang, Yihua Zhang, Hanzhi Xu, Zhuyan Yu
Pages: 660-681 | First Published: 08 March 2023
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Ethnic minority CEO turnover: Resource‐based and leadership categorization perspectives
Nancy Ursel, Adriano Durante, Eahab Elsaid
Pages: 682-699 | First Published: 19 January 2023
Crossing the line: The violating effects of illegitimate interruptions from work and the differential impact on work‐to‐family conflict by gender
Angela R. Grotto, Maura J. Mills
Pages: 700-716 | First Published: 02 February 2023
Investigating the curvilinear relationship between temporal leadership and team creativity: The moderation of knowledge complexity and the mediation of team creative process engagement
Chenggang Duan, Melody Jun Zhang, Xinmei Liu, Chu-Ding Ling, Xiao-Yun Xie
Pages: 717-738 | First Published: 14 February 2023
Christian Resick
Drexel University
Philadelphia PA
(215) 895-1052