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Request for unpublished studies for a meta-analysis on HRM and well-being

  • 1.  Request for unpublished studies for a meta-analysis on HRM and well-being

    Posted 04-04-2023 09:06

    We are seeking unpublished studies for a meta-analysis on HRM and well-being. This meta-analysis comprehensively examines the relationship between HRM practices (specific HRM practices or overall HRM system) and multidimensional well-being (variables that can represent any of  social, happiness, or health well-being).

    We encourage you to share whatever you feel is relevant. We are particularly interested in unpublished manuscripts, dissertations, theses, conference papers, or raw data that concern HRM practices and well-being but may not appear in the literature search.  Please feel free to point out unpublished work that meets the criteria to ensure it has been identified.or

    Please send working papers or the following information to tayjordan082@gmail.com or 20120200110015@hainanu.edu.cn:

    (1)    Sample size and correlation matrix of all your study variables.
    (2)    Description of the measure for each variable included in the correlation matrix (e.g., reliabilities, rating sources, and measure sources or items).
    (3)    Description of the participants (e.g., mean age, mean job tenure, and mean organizational tenure) and research context (e.g., nationality and industry).
    (4)    Information that may be useful to include in our analysis.
    (5)    The preferred way for us to cite your work.

    We appreciate your time and consideration. Please contact us if you have any further questions.

    Deadline: April 30th, 2023. 


     Dan Zhao

    Hainan University
