We are writing a commissioned research report with the first draft due at the end of October for the U.S. National Academies of Science, Engineering & Medicine on The Impact of COVID-19 on Boundary Management, Work/Life Integrations, and Domestic Labor for academic women, particularly those working in STEMM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Medicine). We are particularly interested in research on - how personal and professional boundaries have been disrupted, - the policies or practices that colleges and universities have in place or implemented to encourage or support work-life boundaries and boundary management. -new or emerging coping mechanisms that are being used during this pandemic-how the how gendered expectations of domestic labor, have shifted or impacted professional labor. - the impacts on families and the challenges workers face protecting their own health and the health of their families.-challenges in managing dual career and child care, elder care and sandwiched care demands over the pandemic - new issues related to technology use and demands- the needs of intersectional women raised by the pandemic Please send us any work you have for consideration for inclusion in the literature review as soon as possible to Ellen Ernst Kossek, Tracy Dumas, Tammy Allen Purdue University, Ohio State University, University of South Floridaekossek@purdue.edu, dumas.35@osu.edu, tallen@mail.usf.eduThank you !Sent from my iPad
Ellen Ernst Kossek
Basil S. Turner Professor of Management and Research Director Susan Bulkeley Butler Center for Leadership Excellence
Purdue University Krannert School of Management
West Lafayette, Indiana