The convention awards are chosen from those papers selected for the HR Division program at the annual Academy meeting. No nominations are solicited for these awards, but you are encouraged to self-identify in your Academy submission if you are eligible for the student award.
The Best Student Convention Paper Award is given to the student who is the sole or first author on the best paper accepted by the Program Committee for the annual conference. To be eligible for this award, an individual must still be a student (i.e., still located at the institution at which he or she did graduate work) at the time the paper is submitted to the award committee, and this status should be made clear in the Academy submission (see Call for Papers for further details).
The award winner(s) will be announced at the Academy meeting during the HR Division Awards Ceremony and receive a plaque and a $500 honorarium.
For this award, the awards committee will evaluate a set of papers that received the highest average ratings by conference reviewers.