Thomas A. Mahoney Mentoring Award

Scholarly Achievement Award Thomas A. Mahoney Mentoring Award
Innovative Teaching Award Best Student Convention Paper Award
Early Career Achievement Award Herbert Heneman Jr. Career Achievement Award
Ralph Alexander Best Dissertation Award HR Division Dissertation Proposal Award
International HRM Scholarly Research Award Distinguished Human Resource Executive Award
Best Convention Paper Award Employee Participation and Financial Ownership Scholarly Research Award
Dave Ulrich Impact Award  


The Thomas A. Mahoney Mentoring Award is given annually by the HR Division of the Academy of Management to an individual who has distinguished themselves in the mentoring of PhD students. Nominees may have also mentored individuals at other levels (e.g., Post-Doc, Masters, Undergraduate), but individuals must have primarily mentored PhD students to be eligible. This award is named in memory of Tom Mahoney, who himself provided so much guidance to developing PhD students over his long career. The award winner will be announced at the Academy meeting during the HR Division Awards Ceremony and receive a plaque and a $2,000 honorarium.

 In support of the HR Division's goal of increasing member involvement and its international reach, we strongly encourage nominations that reflect the rich diversity, backgrounds, and perspectives of our membership.

Award selection will be completed by a committee formed and chaired by someone selected by the Awards Committee (e.g., prior award winner).


  1. A clear record of extensive work with PhD students, especially as dissertation chair, primary supervisor, or equivalent. This may also include less formal mentorship through, for example, coauthoring, committee membership, etc.
  2. Demonstrated impact of the nominee’s PhD students upon the science, teaching and practice of human resource management (e.g., appointments post-PhD, publications, teaching excellence, awards, work/involvement with HR leaders in organizations).
  3. A long length of service (20+ years post-graduate school) is a condition for eligibility for this award.

Nominations should adhere to the following procedures:

  1. Only members of the HR Division of the Academy of Management may be nominated for the award. Please double check that your nominee is a member of the HR Division.
  2. Nominations must be submitted by a member of the HR Division. Self-nominations are encouraged.
  3. Required nomination materials:
    • Nominee's current CV.
    • A list of PhD students the nominee has worked with and the current CVs of up to 10 former PhD students. This list may include non-PhD students (e.g., Post-Docs, Masters, Undergraduates), but should primarily be PhD students.
    • Up to three (3) letters of recommendation that address the award criteria.
  4. Please combine all required materials into a single PDF document (less than 100 MB) and CLICK HERE to complete an official nomination for this award. The deadline for nominations is March 1, 2025.

Complete nomination packets will remain active for three award cycles. If the nominee is not selected, the nomination will automatically roll over to the next award cycle. We encourage nominators to update the packet, if necessary, before each award cycle. After three award cycles, there is a one year waiting period before the nomination can be resubmitted.